Open Source Cross Platform Cyber Cafe Management System

A very good Cyber Cafe Management System that is Open Source and Cross platform is called "Mkahawa" Project Site is h3r3

it has a free mode, which i see it suitable for School Lab administration as well as Cyber cafe

Some Screenshote are below:
Client login Screen
Messages from Administrator
List View of Terminals
Cashing and Products

Features of this Free and Open Source Cyber Cafe Management system are below:

Session Management (  Feature Requests)

    * Session Start, Stop, Pause
    * Timeout Settings Timer
    * Client Seat/Session Swapping
    * Count Up/Down Timer
    * Configurable Blocker Image
    * Post-paid / Prepaid modes

Server Functionality ( Feature Requests)

    * View Client status in real time
    * View Client status in colored icons
    * View Instant Status list
    * Session Cost Cashing & Discounts
    * Products Sale & Reports
    * Versatile Tariff Configuration
    * Membership Management
    * Multi-level Staff Access Control
    * View Session and Sales Logs
    * Generate Session and Sales Reports
    * Generate and Print Tickets

Client Computer Control

    * Shutdown and Reboot
    * Temporary Blank Screen
    * Client Update from Server
    * Client Upgrade Capability


Unknown said…
Nice one... Do u use it? I was looking for a software for cybercafe management. Outkafe is is another one. Thanks!
Indhra Kannan said…

Hi everyone, I'm new here. Count me as one who thinks that Bradley's irregular features were one of his greatest charms. Especially his teeth. I'm mourning his teeth more than anything, even more than the beautiful deceased blond hair. I don't get why people have to "fix" what is already perfect... Crying
Anyway, I have to admit that he looks gorgeous in izombie, even if it's hard to recognize our adorable blond Arthur.

Open Source Management Software
Anonymous said…

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