Nmap 5.00 Released
1) The new Ncat tool aims to be your Swiss Army Knife for data transfer, redirection, and debugging. We released a whole users' guide ( http://nmap.org/ncat/guide/ index.html ) detailing security testing and network administration tasks it made easy with Ncat. Details: http://nmap.org/5/#changes- ncat 2) The addition of the Ndiff scan comparison tool completes Nmap's growth into a whole suite of applications which work together to serve network administrators and security practitioners. Ndiff makes it easy to automatically scan your network daily and report on any changes (systems coming up or going down or changes to the software services they are running). The other two tools now packaged with Nmap itself are Ncat and the much improved Zenmap GUI and results viewer. Details: http://nmap.org/5/#changes- ndiff 3) Nmap performance has improved dramatically. We spent last summer scanning much of the Internet and merging that data with internal enterprise scan ...