How to build your online Proxy ?

let me define
what and why is an online Proxy :
It is a site/service/program that you use to mask/hide your IP from the sites you visit, and allows you to visit sites that are blocked by your current Internet Provider (Internet provider can be your School,your Work,your University, your Silly network administrator ,or your Country censorship).

How to Build an online Proxy:
i) The most challenge you may face is to find a hosting company that allows you to host your proxy script - most Hosting providers doesn't allow you to do so-.
A small list of Hosting Providers that supports Proxy hosting
2) Any VPS hosting provider
3) and ME -;)

ii) The Script you can use :

I recommend James Marshall Script for many reasons , first of them that it saves bandwidth, I tried James's proxy and the PHP proxy, and I found that James's proxy serves the same amount of pages of a fraction of bandwidth used by PHPProxy.

to configure the script is very easy, just follow the instructions at any of the sites.

If you need anyhelp, let me know and I Will help - If I can ;) -

if you just WANT TO USE a proxy try or click h3r3

good luck


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