Google Browser - Chrome -

Once Google Browser "Chrome" launched, I had this question about the privacy in it. When installing it , I never been asked for license agreement or EULA.
I remembered Google Accelerator, which was a windows software that speeds up your internet connection, This product died -or at least this is how i see it -

and now with Google Chrome, another concern on privacy and behavior analysis. We all know the Google is the biggest Marketing Agency on earth planet, they always talk about advertisement on TV ,how they not targeted advertisement. Ads on TV to ppl that are not interested in it !
So, Google wants TV advertisement to be targeting user interest and watching pattern - like YouTube , Google Video -.

and now, They looking for Surfing behavior as much as they went before on Search behavior which is prooven in Google Trends and analysis of search per country and keyboard.

Read about Google Chrome Technology as Google Presents it h3r3
Google Chrome Download link is h3r3


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