Ubuntu Users meeting in Cairo

Egyptian Ubuntu Users had a successful meeting yesterday 03 April 200. That had many objectives with the main one , is getting some action in the Egyptian Ubuntu Users Group in Egypt.

Interesting discussions have been raised from many prespective and actions items has been raised such

1) Host content that we will generate in Arabic on Ubuntu related websites ( ubuntuforums, launchpad ....etc)
2) Write an arabic FAQ.
3) Translate www.ubuntuguide.org

These are only initial steps to get the wheel spinning. Ahmed Toulan and Mohammed Gamal agreed to start translating ubuntuguide together. asking for volunteers if any.
Some of the names attended the meeting are : Mohammed Gamal, Mostafa Zaki, Ahmed Toulan , and Samer Azmy.


Anonymous said…
Hi, i'd like to get involved. I'm an enthusiastic and long time ubuntu user.
i don't know where or when you meet. If you can give me an idea that'll be great
Samer Azmy said…
Hello Ahmed,
Plesae joing Ubuntu Egypt User group.
you can start from here

good luck
Anonymous said…
Thanks Samer

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